Clouds of uncertainty

change, life, memories, Poetry, time

The applause dies quickly, then the echoing silence
Whispers turn to flutes , and thoughts into mimes
Colours fade inward showing the true defiance
Aroma’s of clarity please the smell and all is fine

Whispers turn to flutes , and thoughts into mimes
Even plants speak some truth of life and decay
Aroma’s of clarity please the smell and all is fine
Touches of one anothers pain keeps the loneliness away

Even plants speak some truth of life and decay
Engraved onto us is the misunderstanding of the plain
Touches of one another s pain keeps the loneliness away
Guilty is the soul of conducting out of whim without say

Beware of the apparent cause things are not as they seem
Colours fade inward revealing the true defiance
An opaque sense of reality is misleading and gravely dim
The applause dies quickly then the echoing silence